Natalia Galindo

The 'othering' and 'invisibilization' of bodies marginalized by society

About the author: Hi! I’m Natalia Galindo, a Global Studies MA student. I was born in Lima, Peru, but attended high school in Toledo, Ohio. I completed my undergraduate degree in Anthropology and Linguistics at The University of Manchester in the UK. I began exploring a range of research interests during my undergraduate degree. I have written about and studied education development, gender disparities, and LGBTQ+ rights in Latin America. Therefore, I would love to pursue a field research career in my home country (Peru) after finishing my MA degree!

About the piece: This essay explores the themes of 'otherness' and 'invisibilization' in LatinX literature, focusing on John Rechy's "City of Night" (1963), Carla Trujillo's "What Night Brings" (2003), and Elias Miguel Muñoz's "Brand New Memory" (1998). The essay discusses how photography, as a tool in the hands of the dominant culture, can be used for power and control, resulting in the 'othering' and 'invisibilization' of queer LatinX migrants in the United States. 

Global Gazette Submission-Natalia Galindo Freire - Edited and Corrected (1)