Anshu SHAH

Conceptualizing an Anarchism

of Color

About the author: Anshu Shah is a sophomore majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Data Science and Comparative Literature. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief for UNC Monsoon, a magazine and advocacy platform that focuses on uplifting the UNC South Asian diaspora. 

About the piece: In this piece, Anshu argues that anarchism, specifically an "anarchism of color," offers a compelling path forward for those in search of a just liberatory praxis. Building on the work of other scholars and activists, Anshu argues that an anarchist orientation that is race conscious and centers the perspectives of people of color—as well as women and LGBTQIA+ people—presents a framework for activism that avoids repeating the mistakes of classic liberal justice work by centering those historically and presently marginalized as the vital architects in the construction of activist practice.

Conceptualizing an Anarchism of Color