Gibson Saul Zulu

The Spirit of Geneva; reincarnated in an Ethiopian refugee camp

About the author: Gibson Zulu, a Zambian Rotary Peace Fellow, is pursuing a Global Studies master's degree through the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center. He specializes in International Economic Policy, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. With 9 years of experience at the UN, Gibson implemented refugee protection and durable solutions in Zambia, Liberia, and Ethiopia. He led a team in the Sherkole Refugee camp, received awards for academic excellence and innovation, and evaluated protection and solutions strategies. His research interests encompass conflict transformation, climate change and humanitarian coordination. After graduation, he ponders teaching conflict resolution and coordinating emergency response. He works under the APMB thinking branch of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Geneva.

About the piece: Refugee stories in the Global South are a forgotten plight, with no cameras rolling, thus no footage gets captured as refugee stories do not make for front-page news. The Global Gazette sets out to even the playing field. This story encapsulates the global themes of migration, conflict and human rights.

The Spirit of Geneva: Reincarnated in an Ethiopian Refugee Camp