Submissions for the Fall 2023 edition are now open! Please read the information below before submitting. Deadline for submission to the journal is April 10th, 2023. Submissions after this deadline will be accepted for consideration in the Fall 2023 edition.

Fall 2023 Theme: Emapthy

The Global Gazette's evergreen theme is (and always will be!) "The Global", but each semester we plan to introduce an issue-specific theme for which we encourage - and prioritize - submissions to engage with. That said, the issue theme is an invitation, not a requirement!

Our Fall 2023 issue theme is Empathy. The Global Gazette's theme for the Fall of 2023 will explore the concept of empathy. The pieces for this submission cycle will contemplate the essence of empathy, pondering what it truly means and how we can cultivate it in an increasingly capitalistic world. They will seek to understand the practical manifestations of empathy, contemplating its appearance and significance in our daily lives. Furthermore, they will examine the instances and areas where the need for empathy arises most urgently. As we navigate the global landscape, we also cast a view on the troubling cases in which the fabric of empathy seems to decay, questioning the factors that contribute to the loss of empathy for others. This way, we confront the unsettling question of how we become desensitized to the suffering and tragedy experienced by our fellow human beings, shedding light on the mechanisms that numb our collective capacity for compassion and understanding. (This prompt is a call to interweave this issue theme with the global subjects that interest you.)

Our evergreen theme is The Global. Broadly speaking, this theme can address elements of globalization, different globalism ideologies, the state of globality, how your local experiences connect to global issues, how your travel/research/art connects to a global perspective, etc. If you feel it’s unclear how your content is related to “the global” in these broad understandings, you will have an opportunity to make a case for why your content belongs in The Global Gazette in the Google Form. If you have questions about either themes, we welcome your emails:

Review and Publication Process: 

Once your work has been initially reviewed, you will receive an email indicating whether your work qualifies for publication. If your work is initially denied, we will inform you of the reason. It may be that your work is not pertinent to the theme of the journal, your work may violate our prohibitions, or your work is of insufficient quality. If your work is denied for insufficient quality, we may refer you visit the UNC Writing Center to help improve your work, after which we welcome and encourage resubmission.

If your work qualifies for publication, this is not a guarantee of publication. You will be assigned an editor who will review your work and communicate feedback to you. The editor may request alterations/improvements to the work. Once the editor agrees your work is of publishable quality, we will alert you with our intent to publish and offer further instructions.

Languages and Non- Exclusivity


Hola! Hallo! !مرحبا  The Global Gazette is a multilingual platform, and can currently accept submissions in Arabic (limited to 500 words), Spanish, and German! There is no need to submit an English translation, but please provide a brief summary in English describing the themes and inspiration behind your work.


The Global Gazette is happy to accept submissions that have previously been published. However, be advised that many such journals do not permit multiple publications of the same piece. If you are considering submitting a piece to The Global Gazette that has already been accepted elsewhere, please review the other publisher's restrictions.

Content Guidelines

Submissions should be fully-edited, final copy works that you would consider ready for publication. Submissions are expected to be of high-quality and showcase a meaningful contribution. This means it has been proof-read for errors, fully-edited (including photography and videography), and you are fully satisfied with and proud of the contents of your piece.

Written Submissions

Concept: All written submissions, whether academic or or non-academic, must be well-organized and have a clear conceptual connection to "the global."

Length: There are no formal word requirements for submissions; however, we prefer not to publish submissions longer than 25 pages.

Citations: All works should include citations in a recognized citation format (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc). All applicable works should include an appropriate works cited page.

Formatting: Please upload your written work to the Google Form as a Word document ending in .docx. Regardless of how you format your submitted document, we will be using a standard font, font size, and spacing for publication. EXCEPTION: if your submission requires a specific format/layout/font/appearance to achieve creative goals, please indicate specifically what you desire your submission to look like (in the "additional info" section) and format your document as such (i.e. poetry in which the author intends a specific effect through aesthetic textual choices).

Video, Audio, Graphic and Artistic Submissions

Formatting: Please submit images in .jpeg file format. This includes hand-drawn content that is scanned or photographed. For videos, please use the .mov file format. For audio submission, please use the .wav file format. Please include any text, graphics, or explanations you wish to contextualize your work.

If you have a submission file that cannot be uploaded via this Google Form, please fill out all of the information in the form and submit it, but email the file to us at If the file is too big to email, let us know and we will work with you to find a solution.

Rules and Requirements